Sadly, it’s always only been about one thing: my pride.
Is it just me or are there other people who feel the same way about choosing to set their Relationship Status to “Single” – that for some reason (again, I love to blame it on society, but I will do so only in brackets this time, as an aside of sorts) letting people on FB know you’re minus- rather than plus-one is shameful? Am I reading too much into this, or are my feelings legit?
Since this is my blog post I guess I’ll assume my thoughts are founded. Somehow, without anyone having to say anything about it, proclaiming your single status on this particular social networking site (I don't know what it's like on others; I have a feeling the teens on MySpace display their status as single with more ease and acceptance) is considered to be a source of shame. On the other hand, getting the chance to let everyone (who cares or doesn’t) know you’ve just started a new relationship or – miracle of miracles! – tied the knot is like winning the Nobel Prize: a matter of pride, an accomplishment, an amazing achievement, something that must shared with the world.
Most singles on FB, I find, choose to leave their status blank. But attend a wedding and you can be sure the next day two more statuses will have instantly changed to “Married.” When you break up with someone changing your Relationship Status is rarely the first thing you do or think of doing; get a rock from your boyfriend and you can’t fire the computer up fast enough.
Last night I decided enough was enough. I should be proud of who I am, and that includes wanting to share EVERYTHING that makes me, me. So what if I’m on my own at this point in life? I should celebrate my freedom, my independence, my hard work, my resilience as much as anyone who’s been lucky enough to meet their soul mate. In MYBOOK, it’s as lofty an accomplishment as being proposed to. Maybe even more so. After all, I did it alone - and that's something to be proud of.
NB: The thing I found most surprising about making the switch was how many comments I received after I did the deed and cryptically (or so I thought) proclaimed “Noa is being FB brave” in my main status box. Suddenly other singles came crawling out of the woodwork – and they all knew exactly what I meant by this statement (coupled, I’m sure, with the fact everyone must have read "Noa is now single" in their News Feeds. Interestingly enough, none of my coupled or married FB contacts said anything at all.
An interesting blog post about a similar topic: Deconstructing Facebook.
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